Look Inside Yourself

Sometimes the only direction to look is inside yourself.  Someone said to me a few years ago, “If the common denominator is always you, then maybe you need to reevaluate how you do things.” As hard as I have tried to do that over the years I still find myself second-guessing my second-guessing.  As human beings, no matter what we do we will never get it right every time.  The curve balls that come your way are there to course correct you whenever possible.  Your findings should allow you to take ownership where you need to and move on. Never allow one mistake to deter all the good that you have done.  In a world where mental illness is rampant and hatred has a seat on the front row, don’t allow yourself to go down that road.  It is so easy to throw in the towel and say, “Woe is me.”  Life is short and precious.  Make peace wherever you can and leave the rest up to God.


Who is Geri and why does she speak

Who is Geri Speak?  I am a thirty-two year breast cancer survivor, and I speak because God blesses me to wake every day to the miracle of life.  I speak as a vehicle of inspiration and motivation for those who need to know that they matter.  It’s not about the degrees and job descriptions that I have on record.  It’s about making a difference in the life of another.  God has given me a unique eye on life and the ability to turn negatives into positives.  Through metaphors and a bit of humor, I am able to show the light at the end of a tunnel, to others who may be going through a rough time.  Sometimes all it takes is to know that someone else has been where you are.

As a speaker, author, and free-lance writer, my mission is to help people appreciate the space between where they were and where they are, while getting excited about where they are going. Every message I write or speak is for ME first, and is based on my personal experience!  I have been through what I’ve been through in order to help you go through.

Making Decisions Based on Wrong Problem

Don’t make decisions based on the wrong problem.  Most of us have heard the saying, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” There are so many ways to look at that statement.  At times we are so quick to try to resolve a problem before we have weighed all the options on the table.  When you panic you cause your brain to stop processing information in a logical way.  Your focus becomes the end result rather than looking at things from the perspective of the “why.”  We all want things to go as planned and we hate when that doesn’t happen.  But let’s be clear, all things happen for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.  So, the next time your world gets turned upside down know that this did not take God by surprise.  He saw it coming way before you experienced it.  And the greatest part of the story is, He knows the intended outcome.  Relax and watch the situation work in your favor.

Although you may be the best planner and organizer, that does not mean that the universe will always be in alignment with you.  We live in a world of humans, therefore our plans may sometimes be contingent upon others.  Many things are beyond our control but God is the ultimate conductor of MY orchestra, and the final song always belongs to Him.  I’m a small instrument that allows myself to be used in His song.  Together we make perfect music!

Don’t Let Time Master You

Sana Suvarna @sanaSuvarna 

Don’t let time master you!  People think that I am joking when I say, “I am so organized that I get on my own nerves.” Being organized is a blessing and a curse because when you meet someone who is NOT organized, it is extremely difficult to keep your mouth shut.  I’ve had so many occasions where I just want to tell somebody, “It really doesn’t have to be that hard. You make it that way because you fail to plan and organize your time, day, week, or whatever.”  Remember, “no” is not a bad word.  You can use it and mean it when you say it.  I use it a lot and never waste time defending my “no.”

Give me five minutes and I can run down my daily schedule and throw in most of what’s happening the rest of the week. That includes what time I have my coffee, what time I do my meditation, bible study and breakfast.  I know the night and time of my TV shows; I don’t do much daytime TV.  Also, as a business woman I have a schedule of activities devoted to my business.  There are days for creating content, marketing, advertising, business meetings and live videos.  With everything in life you get out what you put in.  Do the work, and when you have done all you can, then let it go and watch the results.  It is better to let things happen than it is to try and make things happen.

Sexy, Celibate, Sane – Keeping Your Legs Closed

Sexy, celibate and sane.  We live in a world where sex sells and abstinence is frowned upon.  My story talks about celibacy, along with some childhood, teenage, and adult moments that may have sealed my decision to refrain from sex outside a committed relationship.  There is a lot of emphasis placed on sex in relationships, but when did we forget to factor in love?

Many things may lead to our understanding about sex and how we ultimately feel when we are old enough to engage.  The pitfalls of one relationship can easily cloud your judgment moving into another.  Until we truly know and love ourselves as a whole person, we will not be able to sustain a right, rewarding, relationship with another.  My time of celibacy has taught me so much about who I am and what I desire for my life, which has nothing to do with having a significant other.


Music is sweeter after a rest.

Tadas Mikuckis @tadasmikuckis

Music is sweeter after a rest!  No matter how much you enjoy something, you can’t do it forever. Most composers know this and allow piano players and other musicians places in the music to rest. It may be resting the hands or simply resting the ears, but rest is an inevitable and essential part of every piece of music. A musical rest is simply a defined period of time in the flow of music when you don’t play or hold a note – it is a command to do nothing.

Life can be seen the same way. We all need rest to rejuvenate and replenish our mind and body so that we can continue to function at optimum levels. I’m not talking about sleeping at night or going on vacation each year. It is important that we pencil in some daily time of rest. You may think that you are doing a good job by staying at a task or multitasking for hours, but studies show that it’s better to take a short break after three hours, and then return. There is also some debate as to whether or not multitasking is a good idea. Some feel that it puts more pressure on the brain to perform by switching between tasks rather than doing one thing well. I’m starting to agree with that. I find that I do better when I focus on one task and move to another after finishing. But I still tend to multitask more than I wish. When your brain tells you something else needs to be done it’s hard to overlook it unless you write it down. Most of the time I feel that it’s quicker to do it and have it behind me, especially if it’s something that takes only a few minutes. I tell myself that the time I spend writing it down is the time I could have had it done. That’s one less thing on my “to do” list. Of course the more I do that the more I realize that I have overlooked something else that had a higher priority on that list. So, whenever possible take a rest and when you return, try returning to the task at hand only, rather than jumping around from one thing to another. Some things really can wait until tomorrow, even some small things!

A Full Plate

Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it! A full plate! Do you recall the day when you wanted more of everything?  More time, more energy, more money, more food, you name it and you asked God to supply it.  I know, because I did the same thing.  I wanted more time to myself and more energy to do what I love.  I wanted more money to buy more food, and to eat out more.  Well, guess what?  I got everything I asked for and now I still want more.  As I work on my business I want more hours in a day so I can get more done.  I want more energy so I can hang out with my friends after I get the more done.  When I get tired of the recipes that I have tried, I want more food in the refrigerator so I can try more recipes, even though I always manage to make new and tasty ones with whatever I have.   Once I get tired of going to my regular restaurants, I want more money so I can try the ones that my Uber riders tell me about.

As human beings we will always want more. But be careful of complaining about a full plate, when there are so many people starving for what you have.  We need to start praising God for our full plate.  Thank Him for the appetizer, the entree, and the dessert.  Learn to savor every little bite that He feeds you.  An appetizer to you is a meal to the homeless.  Having ten people watch your live feed is a major accomplishment, to the person who only has three viewers.  As you continue to pray and trust God for your future, the day will come where you won’t have room enough to receive all His blessings.  In the meantime, be a good steward with a thankful heart while you wait.  Yes, my plate is full and I am enjoying the feast!

You See my Light Not my Light Bill

When I think about where I started from as a sixteen year old wife and mother, and becoming a single parent at age seventeen, there is no way that I could have visualized the life that I’m living today. In my prayer and meditation room there is a picture of my two daughters and my two grandchildren, which reminds me of the amazing job that I did as a single mom to both my children.  I may not have been able to give them the latest fashions or the favorite gadgets that other kids had, but I did give them love and I taught them tenacity, and how to survive in a world that judges you by your current circumstances.  I thank God that my daughters have truly grown up to be beautiful women, who are doing an amazing job with their own child.  I must say that I have no regrets.

There are times in life when we look at people who have made it, or made it to the top as some would say, and we tend to see their “halo” and not the struggle that it took to get there. We place people on a pedestal based on their accomplishments or their notoriety.  Nobody is going to tell you the whole story of how they got to the top.  There will always be a secret or two that remains untold no matter how close a friend you may be.  Even husband and wives have secrets because no one needs to know everything that you have gone through.  As you watch me do what I do you are only seeing my light not my light bill.  Don’t allow anyone to dictate what is possible in your life.  Only you know what it takes to light up your world.

Stay in Drive

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a certain place, afraid to move forward because you didn’t know where you would end up?  You already know what’s behind you so you don’t want to go in reverse.  Instead you either sit there in park or in neutral, going nowhere.  Did you check your fuel before you got started?  What about your GPS; is it a reliable source of direction?  Did you make sure to throw in some courage before you started your journey? For some of us we started out great, but then we got distracted along the highway. We decided to stop at the mall.  Even though our appointment time was near, our desire to shop became the winner.  What about all those restaurant signs that we saw along the way?  Did any of you get enticed to stop and grab a bite?  You looked at your watch and saw that there was no way you could make it on time, yet you stopped anyway.

What is it about us that makes us lose focus so easily? Why is it so hard to stay in drive? Of course the gears on our steering wheel of life is there for a reason.  No one is expected to stay in motion.  However, when you are in motion it is wise to try to make it on time.  We set goals and limitations based on our belief system of what’s capable.  It’s okay to park and gather your energy and thoughts.  Maybe a pause will give you a new perspective.  There’s nothing wrong with going in reverse if that’s the only route out of any given space.  Some turns in life catch you at a dead end street, and reverse is the only thing that will course correct you.  In order to get to your professional/personal destination it is imperative that you stay in drive mentally.  Be sure that you have the necessary fuel, a reliable GPS, and the courage to make it to the end of your journey.

How Full is Your Basket

Ashes Sitoula @awesome

How full is your basket? Recently I was having one of my low moments and I realized that all the things I was concerned about does not identify who I am.  Therefore, I decided to put my thoughts in a mental basket and allow myself to see that what’s in the basket does not define who I am, but it’s a part of who I am.  We need to stop making hasty decisions based on one feeling, one incident, or one wrong turn.  A lot of what we are experiencing is caused by our anxiety, our failures, our hopes and dreams, or our past mistakes.  It’s okay to allow those feelings to go through your body as long as you don’t stay in that place.

With the excitement and the pressure that the New Year brings most of us feel that this is a great time to start new projects.  But not necessarily!  Don’t get caught up in the New Year, New You phenomenon. For most people this should be a time of reflection on what worked, what did not work, and the changes we need to make moving forward.  When you look at your basket you need to be able to see it as something outside of you and not see it as you.  When I gathered my thoughts and concerns and put them in my basket, I must say that my basket was full.  However the great thing about that was, I was able to separate the basket from me.  I could look at it when I needed to or felt like looking at it.  I could also leave it sitting there altogether.  I could add items as they came to mind, and that in itself removed the thought or concern from the immediate forefront of my mind.  It’s almost like writing down what needs to get done.  Once you release it on paper you are no longer bound by your thoughts.  So, is your basket full?  If it is then that’s a good thing. It simply means that you have transferred your thoughts to a place outside yourself where you can deal with them at your leisure.