Aging is Interesting

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become a minimalist? I’ve given it quite a bit of thought lately and truly believe that I could live in a Tiny House. Recently I decided that I do not want any more material things for my home or my closets. No more visits to Goodwill.  Don’t need another coffee mug or wall picture, or clothes. As I survey my surroundings I realize that I have many things for decoration only, and so many things that no longer serve a purpose. The biggest and heaviest item is this huge desk in my office that I rarely spend time in except for meditation and bible study.  Since I’m not as active on social media and no longer need to create endless content for events or visibility, therefore my office hours are minimal.

When I moved back to Virginia two years ago, I overestimated the number of visitors that would walk through my doors: I can count on both hands how many has come, other than for my Christmas Party!  The other day I was sharing with someone about the days when folks knocked on your door without calling and how that has changed. I think I am the only person who still does that, and some of my friends I still need to call before visiting. So as I tackle this next & final phase of life, I will be letting go of things and concentrating more on my health, creating experiences, maintaining family/friend relationships, and a whole lot of eating good food. Although there are so many things I’d rather be doing, I realize that God is up to something new and age truly does change the way we see and do things!

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One Reply to “Aging is Interesting”

  1. Geri, a very thought provoking read on not only the impact of aging, but how we have reduced our ways of communicating with each other to texts, blogs, zoom, and funerals, versus Sunday Dinners, and weekend BBQ, etc. For me, I still like surrounding myself with beautiful tea cups, crystal and of furniture, which in a sense keep me company too! A good read, thanks!

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