When Witnessing Works

As I’ve gotten older I try to practice what is preached TO me, rather than practicing what I preach.  It’s easy to practice what we preach to ourselves because we can say anything and then follow through on what we believe!  There have been many occasions where I felt the urgency to let go of what I feel or want or believe about a situation, and today I felt it very strongly after listening to the message at church.  Although the message was about how we miss the opportunity to witness because we are so judgmental when it comes to people who don’t live up to our expectations of how we think they should look or act, I found myself feeling guilty of avoiding opportunities, not so much to “witness,” but simply to show that I care.  Today I practiced what was preached TO me because life is not always about me!  It truly made me feel good knowing that I had removed myself from the equation and focused only on how I could help the situation.  Sometimes doing the right thing means doing things you wouldn’t normally do in order to make others happy.  (I know I left out a lot of details, but you can apply this to many circumstances.)  Be blessed.

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One Reply to “When Witnessing Works”

  1. Great evening Geri
    What a good word indeed that you have shared. The rich revelation that was impacted rang out in truth. God Almighty God continue to richly bless you my sister.

    Carolyn Fawole

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