A Full Plate

Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it! A full plate! Do you recall the day when you wanted more of everything?  More time, more energy, more money, more food, you name it and you asked God to supply it.  I know, because I did the same thing.  I wanted more time to myself and more energy to do what I love.  I wanted more money to buy more food, and to eat out more.  Well, guess what?  I got everything I asked for and now I still want more.  As I work on my business I want more hours in a day so I can get more done.  I want more energy so I can hang out with my friends after I get the more done.  When I get tired of the recipes that I have tried, I want more food in the refrigerator so I can try more recipes, even though I always manage to make new and tasty ones with whatever I have.   Once I get tired of going to my regular restaurants, I want more money so I can try the ones that my Uber riders tell me about.

As human beings we will always want more. But be careful of complaining about a full plate, when there are so many people starving for what you have.  We need to start praising God for our full plate.  Thank Him for the appetizer, the entree, and the dessert.  Learn to savor every little bite that He feeds you.  An appetizer to you is a meal to the homeless.  Having ten people watch your live feed is a major accomplishment, to the person who only has three viewers.  As you continue to pray and trust God for your future, the day will come where you won’t have room enough to receive all His blessings.  In the meantime, be a good steward with a thankful heart while you wait.  Yes, my plate is full and I am enjoying the feast!

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