No Return Address

Photo by Rae Tian on Unsplash

No return address!  Have you ever received a piece of mail that you sent out, but it came back with the words, “Return to Sender – Address Unknown?”  I’m sure we all have had that happen to us.  I’ve even had mail returned where it was sent to a forwarding address and THAT address was unknown.  WOW!

There may be times when you show up in a room where you know that you are going to be uncomfortable, but God has a reason for putting you in that room.  There is something about your energy or your ability to transcend the obvious and get to the necessary!  There are things that will be sent to you by the Universe, and you can’t return them.  They came for a reason and to serve a purpose.

When I moved from South Carolina to Virginia, I had three return addresses.  I had the address I was supposed to be moving to when I left SC.  I had a P.O. Box as soon as I could get a driver’s license that proved I was a Virginia resident, and I had a third address, which was where I actually ended up living for a few months.  Sometimes God may send you to places without a “Return Address,” because He doesn’t want you to see a way out!  We always want to know what the final outcome will be before we take on certain tasks.  But when you are on an assignment for God there will be many days and nights when you are wondering why was I sent to do this?  Why am I out here in no man’s land trying to help somebody who sometimes doesn’t even want my help?  There are certain assignments on your life that only you can fulfill.   Recently we talked about FEAR in a Zoom meeting.  The fear of things that scare us, and why and how do we get pass that fear.  One answer was, “Do it afraid,” another suggested that you “do as much research as possible before taking a leap.”

Having “No return address” creates a situation where we MUST face our fear because the letter or the package (that thing you are afraid of), is being delivered to you whether you want it or not.  It’s not gonna be returned and it’s gonna keep showing up until you deal with it, because it has “No Return Address!”

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