The Good Ole Days


So often we hear people speak of the “good ole days” and it conjures up feelings of times gone by, when the world was slower, simpler and kinder.  As I read my morning bible study, with an accompanying story, it took me back to my younger years.  Yes, I do miss the country living where you could leave your doors unlocked, people showed up uninvited and all was well with the world, and we were glad to see everyone.  However as a teenager I couldn’t wait to be grown and gone.  Oh how we think we want what we want until we get it!  I vowed never to return permanently because I couldn’t imagine a town with one stop light (I was grown before they got that one), and no pizza shop for miles away.  Don’t get me wrong now, I still have no plans to return but my thoughts this morning gave me a bit of envy for the family and friends, unlike me, who opted to remain in their little hometown.  Every time I visit, which is quite often now that I’m back in Virginia, I’m reminded of the quiet resolve and peace of mind that comes with the lack of busyness found in the city.  So, for some of us the good ole days may be behind us, but for others the good ole days are right now in their little hometown!

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