You Walking the Dog or Dog Walking You?

Are you walking the dog or the dog walking you?  There may be days when you literally feel like the dog is walking you.  It doesn’t necessarily have to be a large dog for this to happen.  It all depends on how much tension is in the leash and whether or not you are in control.  Even a small dog can take over and lead you astray if you are not paying attention.  Maybe he/she sees a cat and decides to chase it while you are so busy talking on your cellphone.  All it takes is one little distraction to throw you off course.  We need to keep our eyes on the prize whether it’s large or small.  Remember that big things may come in small packages.  These past months have taken a toll on us in so many ways, however, we have also grown in many ways beyond what we thought was capable.  We doubted our ability to sustain our relationships, our businesses, and our home.  But we did it!  We walked the dog rather than allow the dog to walk us.  Keep up the good work!  “Don’t Panic…Find The Positive!”  It’s always there if you just look hard enough.

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