Covid-19 Vaccine – For or Against?

Photo Credit: @CDC

Covid-19 Vaccine – For or against? Everyone has the right to make the best decision that they feel comfortable with.  As a sixty-six year old female working in the healthcare environment, I opted to get my Covid-19 vaccine as soon as it became available. My decision was based on a couple of things; first I would rather die trying to live and avoid the virus than die from the virus.  Secondly, if my participation in taking the vaccine will give researchers the necessary information in order to determine whether or not this is a viable answer to stop the virus, and possibly give my children and my grandchildren a better opportunity of never having to worry about it, then I will have served the greater purpose of my life.  I fully understand and respect the controversy and concerns surrounding the vaccine, and  those who prefer to wait and see how others  will react to the shot, rather than participate as part of the research, while millions of us jump on board without FDA approval of the vaccine.



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