Are You Creating Lines or Just in One?

Photo by Piotr Chrobot on Unsplash

Are you creating lines or just in one?  I saw this statement on an Instagram post by Adam Speaks and I asked his permission to elaborate on it.  With that said, let me ask you again, “Are you creating lines or just in one?”  I don’t really recall all that he said because I knew I would put my own spin on it.  We live in a world of supply and demand and we need to take advantage of both.  However, nobody wants to be on the demand end all the time with stuff going out and nothing coming in.  Although both scenarios are important, as business owners we need to make sure that we are spending more time creating lines rather than being in one.  Make sure that people are lining up to purchase your products or services rather than standing in lines yourself, waiting to purchase somebody else’s products or services.

So how do we make this happen?  There are numerous ways, but the one that caught my eye the other day from Ciara Patterson, was her suggestion that we reach out to previous clients to let them know that we remember them and appreciate their business.  Also, at that same time it is very appropriate to ask them if they would like to purchase your products or use your services again.  Well, I did just that and contacted twenty of my Sponsors who purchased my service over the last six months, and immediately three of those people came back on board.  In addition, since I immediately advertised and thanked them for coming back, I received two additional sponsors because they saw those posts.  This goes to show the power of not only showing up but also acknowledging those who have supported you in the past.  Are you creating lines or just in one?




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