How Bad do You Want It?

Have you ever said or did something and immediately you knew it wasn’t the right thing to say or do?  I’m guilty as charged!  A few days ago I asked someone to provide a service for me and give me their business hours.  When I received their response it was not a time that was convenient for me to get what I wanted from them.  So I responded by basically saying that, and letting them know what day/times would work better for me.

Let’s get something straight right here and right now!  When a person or business offer a service or product that you are interested in purchasing, trust and believe they have set their business hours and use of their time based on experience and what works best for THEIR business.  It is NOT their responsibility to adjust their schedules to meet every individual customer’s needs.  The question that we need to ask ourselves is, “How bad do you want it?”  The bottom line is if you want it bad enough not only will you meet their established hours of operation, but you will also pay their price.  When I caught myself trying to push my comfort and availability onto a recent business owner, I immediately fessed up and sent them a message of apology and agreed to meet them according to their schedule.  Remember, it’s not all about YOU!  It’s a business not a pop-up shop.

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