You Don’t Have to Clean Your Plate

You don’t have to clean your plate!  Some of you probably remember back in the day when our parents used to tell us to ‘eat everything on your plate.’  Most of the time that request came from a position of lack, because they couldn’t afford to throw food away or that particular meal had to last you awhile.

The same scenario can be used for our lives in general.  This world has presented us with so many options.  Things show up daily that we ask for and also that we don’t ask for.  Our plate gets full so quickly.  Please know that you can take things off your plate or you can move things around.  Many of the things that we deal with has nothing to do with where we are headed.  We have taken on the burdens and responsibilities of others far too long.  You know how you go to a buffet or a family gathering and they just pile stuff on your plate without asking if you want it or even if you like it.  They try to make sure that everybody gets a little taste of everything.  Suppose you don’t like it?  What do you do?  Do you eat it anyway?  No!  Well why do we have such a hard time when it comes to removing people, things, or situations that don’t appeal to our appetite?  This is your life and your feast!  You have the right to choose the type of energy that takes up space in your world.  Stop eating everything that is put before you.  Stop allowing others to pile up your plate with what they like.  You don’t have to clean your plate.  Matter of fact, sometimes it’s better to simply throw the whole thing in the trash.  Have you ever done that with a to-go plate that your friend insisted that you take with you?



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