Beauty After Breast Cancer

Beauty After Breast Cancer!  Sometimes beauty is described by our physical body rather than our mindset.  I discovered my beauty from within after being diagnosed with breast cancer at age thirty.  What could have been a devastating moment for me turned into the best thing that has ever happened. Although breast cancer does not define me, it did create in me a desire to live life to the fullest while searching for my purpose here on earth, to make sure that God got all the glory for every day that I lived past my diagnosis.  My whole world changed the minute I heard those words, “You have breast cancer!”  Rather than see this as a death threat I took that diagnosis and created a platform to share my story of survival through my business, “Geri Speak.”  I started with one speaking engagement and after thirty-five years the speeches and events that I have attended and planned are too numerous to count.  Every day that I wake up I thank God for another opportunity to be a light in a dark world.  I ask Him to guide my thoughts, my deeds, my words, my efforts and my every move.

Release Attachment to Fear

Release attachment to fear.  There is no one in the world who is not afraid of something.  Every man, woman and child can name one thing that frightens them.  My mother was afraid of snakes.  Just a picture on the television or on a page in a book would send shivers all over  her.  You would think that the snake was alive and in the room.  Most men will probably say they are not afraid of anything.  That’s not true.  Some of our fears are not even obvious. We are afraid of failing, afraid of being alone, and some of us are afraid of being found out.  What do I mean by being found out?  I am talking about the stuff that nobody knows about you.  The fact that you are not quite as smart as you profess to be.  Have you told anyone what you are running away from or what you are hiding behind?  Does anyone know the full hurt that you feel inside?  Of course they don’t!  If they did, then it would break the facade that you have graciously kept up for years.  Nobody knows that you keep saying ‘yes’ because you are afraid to say ‘no.’ What will they think when they are so used to hearing you say ‘yes?’  I challenge you this day to release attachment to fear.

Our dreams chase us down with bright ideas that we are afraid to test.  We wake up to another day of living on our past laurels.  What life used to be like.  What we used to have.  Our whole identity is tied up in the hurts and the joys of our past life.  We are afraid to step outside our comfortable boundaries and discover who we really are.  We know deep down in our heart that there is another person struggling to get out.  We spent our whole life raising spouses and children and they are gone and there we sit wondering who this person is that’s left behind.  Guess what?  It’s the YOU that you don’t really know.  Talk to that little girl or boy inside and discover the fragments of yourself that was lost in others for so many years.  Who is that little person?  What is she/he desperately yearning for that was never given to her/him?  It’s a new day!  Do the child in you a favor and remember what it was like when you believed that you could do anything.  That was before the world starting saying no to everything that you attempted to do.  I remember when my nephew was small and he would jump off the bed without understanding why it hurt when he hit the floor.  He could not grasp the concept of gravity and the fact that the bed was not part of the floor.  His mother tried to explain, to no avail, so she just let him jump until he learned about gravity.  No fear was injected into his little world.  Find that child inside you and release attachment to fear!