Uber Dating

santiago-gomez-413715Santiago Gomez @iamsantiago

Uber dating! Now that I have your attention, let me ask you a question: Have you heard about people using Uber to get to the ER rather than using an ambulance?  I was shocked when I heard that.  Who would risk their lives in the hands of an Uber driver when it comes to your health?  It was stated on the news that riders said, Uber is cheaper so they are willing to take the risk for illnesses that are not life threatening.  I thought emergency rooms were for life-threatening illnesses!

Back to my story about Uber Dating! I didn’t literally get a “real” date through Uber.  But for two hours on a recent Friday night while driving for Uber, I pushed aside all my financial concerns as I sat in an Improv Comedy Show downtown thanks to one of my Uber riders.  I picked up this couple and her brother who were going to Theatre 99.  As I was sharing my conversations about who I am and why I do Uber, I also talked about some of the blessings that I have received as a driver.  During our conversation I mentioned that I had always wanted to go to Theatre 99, but for one reason or another had never gotten around to doing that.  Low and behold, the brother who was sitting in the front with me turned and said, “I have an extra ticket for tonight if you want to park your car and go.  I’ll give it to you for free and you don’t even have to sit with us if you don’t want to.”  So, for once in my life I decided to do something impulsive and stop the world so I could get off.  The gentleman gave me his phone number and told me to call him after I find a park and he would meet me at the door.  In less than ten minutes I was parked and seated inside the theatre with three people who did not know me from Adam.  I had the most fun that I have had in a long time.  We all talked and laughed as though we had planned to be together.  Because of that gentleman’s generosity I will start to enjoy life more and will definitely go back to that theatre: I plan to schedule a date with myself for my birthday next month.  Bottom line, it pays to be authentically yourself!

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