Preparation is the Key

Preparation is the key!  Knock and the door shall be opened. We hear that all the time, however what we fail to realize is no door is going to open for the person who is not prepared to walk through it.  When you really think about it, why would you want to walk inside a door that you are not ready to enter?  Many of us are being prepared for stuff that we haven’t asked for or even know is coming our way.  That’s just how God works.  One day you find yourself in the midst of a crowd that you never thought would envelop your gifts and talents, and the next thing you know someone slides your name to the right person who holds your next level key.  There are quite a few sayings that line up with being in the right place at the right time.  For example, “Be kind to strangers because you might be entertaining an angel,” or “Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.”  I am sure there are many more but those two came to mind for me.

In our daily walk it is important to acknowledge everyone as a human being and a child of God. I understand there may be times when it’s hard to do that.  We have a tendency to compare sins and pass judgment based on what a person looks like, the type of job they have, or how they create joy in their lives.  If they dance, or drink, or have children out of wedlock.  We place a number of expectations on others before we will consider them acceptable citizens not only in our spear of influence, but also in the world.  Who gave us the final say?  Where did our list of judgment items come from?  Unfortunately, with our limited vision of how big this world is we can easily mistake our way as being the only way.  In order to get prepared and be ready for your “level-up” it is imperative that you close your judgment eyes and open your vision to this amazing rainbow of people, who may be the catalyst for taking your gifts and talents to a world beyond where you stand.  Your next preparation assignment just might blow your mind, because preparation is the key that opens the door!

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