You Need to Lose Your Mind


Some of you may have noticed that the most outrageous ideas seem to be the ones that take off.  The minute you say, “Ain’t no way in the world…” that’s when stuff starts to happen.  How many times have you looked at a product or service and thought, how ingenious even though it started from a crazy idea?  Do you realize that everything we see was a thought at one time?  Do you know how many thoughts we have during the day and night that could seriously change the way the world operates?  The problem is our mind.  We spend so much time thinking and over-thinking the ideas that come to us.  Can you imagine what would happen if we went with our first thought and then lost our mind while we continue working on that thought?  I have had the most success with the things that I gave the least amount of thought.  I’ve also succeeded at something and started to over-think it, and the rug got snatched from under my feet. I remember the days when my life was planned down to the hour.  I am so happy that those days are gone.  I still write stuff down, but nothing on the list is mandatory.  It’s a list of things I would like to get done.  Of course I have a regular routine of eating and sleeping, which all of us probably do.  But I don’t get bent out of shape if my day is thrown off by a phone call or an emergency situation.  I just make the necessary adjustments, ex: pack a quick snack, cancel an appointment, wake up a little earlier, or go to sleep a little later.  Whatever it takes to get the job done is what I do.  My mind switches daily to the task at hand.  I don’t overplay situations.  I don’t ask a lot of questions.  I go with the flow.  Life is so much easier when you lose your mind. If you have been following my blogs, then you know my writing style is so outside the box.  Keep checking me out, you never know where it might take you.

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