Let it Go

Let it go!  Whatever it is that has been racking your brain during this COVID-19, whether it is work or personal you need to just let it go.  This thing caught everyone of us off guard and it doesn’t matter your race or nationality, or whether you are rich or poor.  No one can buy or barter their way out of this!  So what do you do?  For some of us we do what we have never done before; trust God and hang in there.  For others we do what we have always done before; trust God and hang in there.  Although we have never experienced anything of this magnitude, we are surprised at our ability to adapt and most of all, we are surprised at how much we truly depend on each other for survival.  Does that mean that suddenly all is well with the world?  No it does not.  In some cases it has brought out the worst.  Yes, we still have crime. We still have hatred and racism.  There are folks who weren’t speaking to us before who still won’t speak once this is over.  Some of us will reevaluate our life priorities and take a serious look at what really matters, like our health and our family ties.  Others will stop doing some things and do more of other things to try and make up for time lost.  We will probably never take a hug for granted again.  The other day I got my first hug after two months of being in quarantine.  Wow!  I really miss the human touch.  No matter what the future holds there will be times when we simply have to Let it go!

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