Accept What People are Feeling Without Taking on What They are Thinking

No matter how nice we are, all of us have been accused of some type of wrong doing.  It might be work related, a family matter, or an issue with a friend.  The majority of the time the confusion comes because both people see the situation from a different perspective.  Either you said or did something that the other person felt should not have been said or done or you overhead a conversation that affects how you now look at another person.  Whatever the case may be, there is no need to take things out of context.  Once you learn to accept what people are feeling without taking on what they are thinking, it will be easier to operate in your own truth.  What I mean by that is you don’t always have to agree with the way somebody else explains the situation to you.  Perhaps what you did made them look bad.  As long as your intention was not to make them look bad, then it’s okay to accept what they are feeling without taking on their way of thinking.  A lot of times we carry the hurt of someone else’s perception of us for way too long.  We stop calling and visiting.  Before long you realize that weeks and months have passed since you spoke to each other.  I have learned that most of the time when I hold on to what someone has said to me, they have moved on and forgotten about it.  It’s been said that, if you know how little people think of you, then you wouldn’t care what they think of you.  Also, most of what we fear in life never really happens.  We spend way too much time worrying about what will happen instead of enjoying what is happening.  Be yourself and allow others to do the same.

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