“Every High Has a Low”

There is nothing that can replace the high of having all your balls in the air at the same time, and none of them dropping.  It’s a juggler’s dream!  Well, life is not always like that.  No matter how much you think you have control of a situation, there are always unseen elements.  Your task is to hold onto the faith that brought you to that place, even though the earlier joy may not be as prevalent.  It is not possible, nor is it healthy, to remain on cloud nine for an extensive period of time.  The body was not built for that, because the ebbs and flow of life is what keeps us balanced internally.  Can you imagine what your heart would do if you continually bounced off the wall on a daily basis.  Not to mention the fact that you wouldn’t get much done, and the people around you would be taken aback.  I know, because the few times when I do find myself bouncing, I have been called crazy, and most recently, “turnt up.”  The slang definition of TURN UP is “Hyped, Excited, Wild.”  An expression used for people who are so full of life that they walk, talk, and ooze excitement for no apparent reason to others.  Since nobody knows why you are joyful, they automatically prejudge you before you get a chance to speak.  I know there is proper emotional protocol in most situations, but sometimes excitement just sneaks up on you.  And then there is the low!  Every high has a low. 

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