Sometimes You Need to Hear the Silence

Sometimes you need to hear the silence.  We’ve all heard the statement, ‘silence is golden’ but how many of us truly seek out silence in our day to day life?  It can be hard to shut the brain down and listen to your own breathing.  There have been times where I would meditate until I no longer had a thought, and occasionally I nodded off.  And then there are other times when the silence speaks to me louder than the noises of the world.  Those are the times when I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ve tapped into the voice of God.

We live in a world where we are encouraged to always be DOING.  God gave each of us twenty-four hours to use at our discretion, however He also threw in the night time as a time of rest.  Although the universe does not operate on a time clock, God gave time to man because He knew we needed organization and structure.  Don’t wait until it’s bedtime to create silence for your life.  Learn to put your body and your brain on mute as a way of reinvigorating your organs and your ability to be a gift to the world.  As I strive to be a better version of myself daily, I am constantly taking stock of how I live my life, whether it’s mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually or financially.  All these areas play a major part in the way I show up to the world.  I intend to be a good steward of all that God has entrusted to my care.  On the outside it may seem sometimes that my life is about fame and fortune, but deep down it’s all about changing the world one person at a time.  It is our job to use what God gave us to show gratitude for being on this earth as we honor Him.  For many of us that means, sometimes you need to hear the silence!